Getting What You Bargained For
Getting What You Bargained For When it comes to jewelry, people get into the extra caution mode and why shouldn’t they? After all, it is a matter ... -
A Precious Gift
A Precious Gift Jewelries make for a perfect gift. Jewelries, diamonds in particular are considered a woman’s best friend. Jewelries can be a gift... -
Tips for buying Jewelry
Tips for buying Jewelry Buying a piece of jewelry is always exciting. But it can be stressful, if you don’t know what to look for. Before you begi... -
Small Business Saturday November 25th
Small Business Saturday November 25th Shop Small is about more than just shopping at small businesses. It’s a cause that helps to support local... -

18820 Soledad Canyon Rd.
Santa Clarita, CA 91351

+1 661-299-6765